Cognition Chronicle

Cognition Chronicle is a platform designed to help identify dementia signs early, leveraging interactive tests and assessments.


Qr8 Health


Design, Development


February 2023


React, Swift

Cognition Chronicle

As a Principal Software Engineer at Qr8 Health, I led the development of Cognition Chronicle, a platform designed to detect early signs of dementia through interactive tests and assessments.

My responsibilities included conceptualizing, designing, and implementing both the mobile application and the website frontend. I collaborated closely with another developer who handled the backend software and contributed to the mobile application.

This project required me to utilize my expertise in iOS development (Swift, Xcode) and React for frontend development, ensuring the platform was intuitive and accessible for users of all ages and technological proficiency.

One of the significant challenges was creating an app that could be used independently by patients without clinical oversight. To address this, we introduced a tutorial and practice mode, allowing users to familiarize themselves with the app before being assessed.

The successful deployment of Cognition Chronicle has made it a valuable tool in early dementia detection, empowering timely medical intervention and care planning.

High level overview of the design I created for Cognition Chronicle
High level overview of the design I created for Cognition Chronicle
Patient names are all fictional and generated for testing purposes.
When you're designing an app all day, sometimes it boosts team morale to throw in a funny screen here and there.

Due to privacy and confidentiality, no real patient information is presented in any of the preceding visuals.